About Us
About PB Packaging, Inc.
PB Packaging has definitive market expertise and experience in wet and cold chain protein packaging. The vast experience of our team applies our packaging expertise to market segments such as the poultry, pork, beef, produce, and seafood industries. It doesn’t stop there. Corrugated packaging has been heavily focused on the dry and brown box (think Amazon boxes) business for decades with minimal institutional knowledge in the market on adverse conditions or wet/cold packaging options – until now. Our nation’s food supply depends upon the transport packaging that it is shipped in to arrive at the critical distribution points. PB Packaging is uniquely qualified in this segment to understand all aspects of these supply chains. What specification is needed, who can supply it, and the service that is required can now be achieved. For more than 35 years, owner Pete Bugas has developed strong industry relationships that can serve your company in identifying supply chain prospects in real-time to meet customer packaging and shipment deadlines.
“A chicken plant cannot run out of boxes because chickens don’t stop growing. The poultry processing timeline relies heavily on the maturity, age, and weight of the birds. Our customers turn to us for consistency in their supply, superior service, and innovative solutions for their packaging needs.” – Pete Bugas, PB Packaging
PB Packaging can solve your packaging needs, whether you operate in multiple truck load volume or need a specific item re-engineered. When a customer generates multi-million dollar corrugated purchasing requirements, fulfilling these needs every single day of operation is the service norm. PB Packaging understands this level of service and the sense of urgency needed to make it happen.